Broad Solutions was formed with a passion to solve most challenging and complex technology needs in ad industry.
In the everchanging world there is one thing that will never change: we help our customers to succeed. We strive to achieve the most cutting edge technologies in ad industry and leverage them to maximum the ad revenue and user experience of our customers. Big or small, you can depend on Broad Solutions to take your publishing business off the ground. We are the most Customer Obssessed company on the world and please contact us if you need any help.

It is a long established fact that a publisher will face all types of problems including but no limited to account suspended, ad traffic limited, revenue reduced by anonymous invalid traffic, account closed, etc. Broad Solutions is the answer to those problems.
Our Principles

Customer Obsession
We start with the customer and
work backward.
Dive Deep
We dive deep into the root cause of the
customer's problem and guarantee the real customer success.
Insist on the Highest Standards
We are continually
raising the bar and drive our teams to deliver high quality
services to our customers.